The Pokemon Gold Stalker

It was my senior year and one of the most rainiest days in my town, it had rained for almost a month straight. I couldn’t go outside, so all I did was play vintage video games alone in my room. I had beat all the games for my gameboy, so I got and my phone and searched eBay for some more. After scrolling through a few pages of them, I saw one that caught my eye. It was a Pokemon Gold cartridge for 3 dollars, an extremely great and rare price. The seller said it was in great condition other than the label being torn off. I bought it immediately, thinking it would be snached up by someone else if I didn’t.
A day later, I heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. When I opened the door, no one was there. I looked down at my feet and saw the game. The weird part is that it wasn’t even in any sort of packaging or even a case. It was just a cartridge on the ground. I didn’t really care about boxes anyway and the game looked fine, so I picked it up and took it inside. I went up to my room and put the cartridge in my gameboy, it didn’t start up. I took the game out and tried to blow away any dust from inside of it. I put it back in and switched on the system. The game still wouldn’t turn on. At this point, I was thinking that I must have gotten ripped off. I was mad because this meant I couldn't play my favorite type of games.
Later that night, I was taking selfie pictures on snapchat, trying to pass the time. I took one of me in the mustache filter and sent it to my friend. He opened it right away. I waited to see what his response would be. He didn’t text back for a few minutes, so I went on facebook and scrolled through. After about thirty seconds of that, I got a response back from him. I opened it up and read his snap, he asked “Is that your brother in the window?” I looked at the window behind me and didn’t see anyone. I responded with “What are you talking about?” He said “There was some tall dude at your window in that picture!” At this point I started to get scared. I looked at the window again and saw a tall, pale skinned man pressed up against the glass. I screamed like a little girl and ran to my basement. I locked the door and called 911 on my phone. About 10 minutes later, I heard someone knock at the door. Thinking it was the cops, I went up and opened it. When I did I was greeted by the man from the window, this time he grabbed me with his cold hands. I kicked him and tried to make a run for it, but he grabbed me again. This time it was so tight, I could barely breathe. I grabbed a screwdriver that was next to me, and shoved it in is back. He screamed and dropped me. He ran out of my house and I never saw him again. After that, I never bought anything on eBay ever again.